Monday, January 30, 2017

Beautiful Sunset

Bridal Dream Hawaii

Behind Hilton

Ala Wai Beach
Bride and Groom pose by a tree at Ala Wai Beach with a gorgeous setting sun backdrop.
Photographer Robert

Waikiki Beach Sunset

Eric & Sierra

Waikiki Beach Wedding
Exchanging Rings

Oahu Hawaii


Romantic Honeymoon
Eric and Sierra from Wisconsin tie the knot at Waikiki Beach.
Awesome photos by Robert Hamilton! (Is that okay to say?)

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Larry & Margarita

Return Customers
We're honored to have Larry and Margarita come back to Bridal Dream Hawaii after 12 years and request photos of their Oahu vacation. Mahalo!

Mini Coconut Tree

Kahala Beach

Oahu Weddings

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Kahala Sunset

East Honolulu
The sun sets behind the trees at Kahala Beach, depending on the time of year, but we can still get some nice sunset pics here.
Evening Sun

Cinderella's Slipper

Kahala Beach

Waialae Beach Park

Happy Bride
This is my "Cinderella's Slipper" shot, complete with a happy Prince.

Patrick & Rhea

Waialae Beach Wedding
Colorful rainbow adds something beautiful to Patrick and Rhea's wedding at Waialae Beach Park.
Honolulu Hawaii

Oahu Wedding

Bridal Dream Hawaii

Tropical Venue

Friday, January 6, 2017

Tom and Kaori

Rev Ted
Rev. Ted performs a wedding at Kahala Beach for Bride and Groom, Tom and Kaori.
Honolulu Hawaii

Kiss the Hand

Kahala Honolulu

Photographer Robert Hamilton

Monday, January 2, 2017

Hilton Waterfall

Wedding Chapel
Looking for a waterfall in Honolulu that you don't have to hike to? The waterfall at Hilton Hawaiian Village is the best!